1. Jerry Maguire – Sweet, moving and harks back to the Golden Years of Hollywood
2. Fargo – The greatest crime thriller ever made
3. Jurassic Park – The birth of a new age of cinema
4. Blade Runner – As complex as it is elegant, the depth within this film is staggering
5. Tremors – B-movie magic with Kevin Bacon and Fred Ward on top form
6. Monty Python and the Holy Grail – Not the Python’s most well put together film but easily their funniest
7. Videodrome – Cronenberg’s most sub-verse and experimental work. Films are rarely this original
8. The French Connection – The greatest film to come out of the New Wave of Hollywood. This is properly gritty cinema
9. Yojimbo – One of Kurosawa’s best and most influential films
10. Toy Story – Possibly the most flawless film ever made
1. The Wire - It has to be really. So good it’s now made television drama redundant
2. Doctor Who – Both old and new series have produced some of the best science fiction and fantasy television ever
3. Arrested Development – Endlessly quotable and brilliantly subtle. Demands multiple viewings
4. Buffy the Vampire Slayer – One of the most consistently inventive and daring shows on mainstream television. It didn’t get much better than this
5. QI – I think it’s impossible not to love this show
6. Battlestar Galactica – Does for science fiction what The Wire did for the crime genre.
7. The X-Files - Later series suffered but the first few seasons were near perfect. The chemistry between the leads elevated the show into something truly special
8. Veronica Mars – The best teen drama since Buffy. Shame no one watched it
9. The entire work of David Attenborough – If you’re stuck on a desert island, it would be a good idea to find out about the wildlife
10. Deadwood – Less of a TV show and more of a ‘How to Swear’ guide. Brilliant stuff
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David Bishop
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