I’m a sun lover. I admit it. If the sun was shining I would happily spend every second of the day with my shades on and lubed up with cooking oil. So I hate this British weather. And I’m too poor to move anywhere warmer. So I’ve taken to dreaming of warmer climates and better times from the comfort of my own settee. I’ve bought every series of Entourage. And I love it. A little slice of Tinsel town in my very own Welsh home.
Entourage follows Hollywood’s latest rising star, Vinnie Chase (Adrian Grenier), and his closest pals as they tread the sidewalks, juggle the politics and climb the Hollywood ladder. The boy from Queens is joined by his childhood best friends, Eric (Kevin Connolly) and Turtle (Jerry Ferrara), and his ex-TV C-list actor brother, Jonny ‘Drama’ Chase (Kevin Dillon). With Eric taking on the role of Vinnie’s manager, Drama his nutritionist and Turtle his driver the boys live the Hollywood high life smoking weed, reading scripts and looking for Vinnie’s next big job and payday. As well as trying to bed as many ridiculously hot women as they can.

Each series follows the boys from Queens as they search, fight and bargain for Vinnie’s next big job amidst a range of trivial obstacles such as running out weed, a city wide blackout that hinders people trying to see Vinnie’s new movie and the obligatory attempts at getting women in each episode. Vinnie, a true Hollywood star, struts around seemingly without a care in the world as Eric panics, reads scripts, takes meetings and takes the full of brunt of the business side of Hollywood and more specifically, Ari. Vince just spends money and beds women.
Drama’s obsession is primarily with himself and getting his star back on the rise before he dies as the brother of Vinnie Chase rather than one of the Chase brothers. Turtle’s main concerns seem to be keeping the weed stocked and getting laid using Vinnie’s star power. More often than not the boys get themselves into a corner or a situation and there lack of experience hinders their attempts to get out of it. In steps Ari. As the man who makes the moves, pushes the buttons and strikes the deals he sweeps through Hollywood, his office and his own home like a one-man whirlwind of profanities, abuse and enough charm to get the pants off anyone. The series usually ends with the boys heading off to join Vinnie on the job they have been chasing and the following series resumes when they arrive back in LA.
Entourage is the dream and the goal for an aspiring filmmaker like myself. They live in immensely huge houses with swimming pools over looking LA, get paid more per hour for work than one of Wayne Rooney’s hookers and seem to bed anything woman that wanders within grabbing distance of them. It’s a fantastic and idealistic imagining of Hollywood and I want to be a part of it. With the shows key themes of male friendship and the Hollywood lifestyle each thirty-minute episode is full of boys, toys, and banter. Amongst the jokes, wise cracks and giving each other a hard time are some genuine moments of male bonding as they stick together through thick and thin. Which is nice. And of course there are the women. Scantily clad and everywhere.

For the budding filmmaker sat within the same four bloody walls watching their obsessively big DVD collection over and over again whilst the rain lashes against their window Entourage is a breath of fresh air. It offers a glimpse of Hollywood, sunshine and better things to come. As a budding filmmaker I can imagine having lunch with my agent on Wilshire Boulevard, being a success at Sundance and lounging around the pool in my huge house that once belonged to Marlon Brando. As well as allowing me to dream it also gives me a kick in the arse. A voice in my head says ‘Oi dickhead! We could be doing that if we get our arse into gear!’ Maybe we can.
Carving a career in the film industry is no easy task and in a city like LA where everyone from taxi drivers to lawyers are budding filmmakers or film stars it’s no doubt more difficult again. But slothing on my settee in my jammies and a duvet eating my own body weight in crisps doesn’t help. I suppose Entourage is a double-edged sword for me. It gives me hope, gives me goals and gets my creative juices flowing. But at the same time I’m sat achieving sod all as I plough through series after series. I’m currently about to start series 5 despite the stack of things I should be doing. But its cold. And I can’t be arsed.

On shitty and cold January nights with the news screaming stories about recession, cuts and job losses Entourage offers that little bit of escapism that allows my brain to inhabit a place where the sun shines, the champagne flows and no matter what happens something will always come along and make everything better. And with the new year's sales dropping the price of a series box set to under ten pounds it’s a steal. Pass the remote. I’m living the American dream!
D.J. Haza
Follow my blog at http://djhaza.blogspot.com/
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