Following Del Toro's exit, Jackson will again sit in the director's chair, lensing the film in studios in the Kiwi capital Wellington, with the production also making use of New Zealand's stunning landscapes once more. Before his exit, Del Toro did collaborate on the screenplay with Jackson and LOTR trilogy scribes Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, leaving room for tantalising speculation as to how Del Toro's sensibilities will influence the final film.
Martin Freeman will take up the role of the younger Bilbo Baggins, with Ian McKellen, Christopher Lee, Cate Blanchett, Elijah Woods and Andy Serkis reprising their previous roles and the likes of Orlando Bloom and Viggo Mortensen also linked to a possible return. Newcomers confirmed so far include Saoirse Ronan, Richard Armitage and James Nesbitt.
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