Lucas has previously confirmed that the live-action show takes place during the gap between Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Episode IV: A New Hope, and will focus on minor characters such as fan-favourite Boba Fett, described by producer Rick McCallum as “instrumental” to the series.
This week MTV dropped some information about the project, suggesting that Lucas plans to centre the series around the early days of the Rebel Alliance and their struggles with the Empire (if the Rebels celebrate their first victory just prior to the opening crawl of Episode IV, this might turn out to be a pretty one-sided affair).
The article also notes that, as with The Clone Wars, Lucas intends to produce a seasons worth of episodes before seeking distribution, and while promoting her new film Knowing, actress Rose Byrne (Dorme from Episode II – Attack of the Clones) has let slip that casting for the new series is now officially underway. With a planned arrival of 2010, we should be hearing a lot more over the coming months as pre-production heats up.
Despite the awful theatrical release of The Clone Wars, I have personally found the TV series to be an entertaining, mindless waste of 25 minutes each week and there are certainly far worse shows on the air. Hopefully Lucas will look to involve a range of creative talent who can bring something extra to the show, and it will be refreshing to see a shift away from lightsaber-wielding acrobatics to the more character-driven approach of the Original Trilogy.
I have to say that while I'm cautiously optimistic about the possibilities for the new series at present, it could also easily prove to be the final nail in the Star Wars coffin. It should be very interesting to see how this all develops, and if nothing else it provides something to dissect, flame and complain about for the next few years.
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We'd love to hear your thoughts on the new series (or The Clone Wars, or the films!), so please feel free to comment.
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