Directed by Joe Carnahan (Narc, Smokin' Aces) and produced by Ridley and Tony Scott, the film is of course a remake of the classic 80's television series and stars Liam Neeson (John "Hannibal" Smith), Bradley Cooper (Templeton "Faceman" Peck), Sharlto Copley ("Howling Mad" Murdock) and MMA star Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (B.A. Baracus).
Joining the film are supporting players Jessica Biel and Patrick Wilson as military officers tasked with tracking down the soldiers of fortune, while original cast members Dwight Schultz and Dirk Benedict are confirmed as making cameos (unfortunately Mr. T. declined the chance to appear).
The A-Team is currently set for release on June 11th 2010 in the USA, and hits UK shores on July 30th.
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