Animated series up for prestigious Emmy Award...
Seth MacFarlane's Family Guy becomes only the second animated series in history to be nominated for an Emmy in the category of Outstanding Comedy Series (following The Flintstones, way back in 1961), but will face stiff competition as it squares off against Entourage, Flight of the Conchords, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, Weeds, and 30 Rock (which has won the past two Outstanding Comedy awards, and also secures a record breaking 22 Primetime nominations this year).
MacFarlane is also recognised in the Outstanding Voice-Over Performance category for his work on Family Guy (an award he won in 2000), while sister series American Dad! will compete against The Simpsons, South Park and Robot Chicken for Outstanding Animated Program for programming less than one hour).
Last year's Outstanding Drama Series winner Mad Men bags an impressive 16 nominations, facing off against rivals Big Love, Breaking Bad, Damages, Dexter, House, and Lost as it looks to retain the title, while Brit comedian Ricky Gervais will be hoping to add a few more statues to his mantelpiece with three nominations for his HBO stand-up special Ricky Gervais: Out of England.
The Emmy Award ceremony takes place on 20th September with Neil Patrick Harris hosting the show. For a full list of the nominations, click here.
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