Transformers’ three week haul of £20,785,050 means that Michael Bay’s heavily criticised blockbuster leapfrogs the cumulative takings of both Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian (the oldest release in the chart) and Angels & Demons (which disappears from the top-ten after eight weeks on release), and puts it in second place behind Star Trek for the highest grossing movie of the year. With Transformers adding another £2.2m to its coffers this week it looks certain to become the biggest hit of the summer so far, although Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is likely to put up a strong challenge for the honour.
The two new releases at the top of the chart means that The Hangover also drops two places from last week to fourth, while My Sister’s Keeper fares a little better, slipping just one place to fifth in its second week. Less fortunate are Jack Black comedy Year One, Ben Stiller sequel Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian, and sci-fi actioner Terminator Salvation, which all drop three spots from last weekend. Romantic comedy Kambakkht Ishq is another new entry in seventh (although it seems there’s only room for one Bollywood film in the top ten as New York falls out of contention), while Sunshine Cleaning props up the chart for the second consecutive week.
An interesting side-note; S. Darko - the unnecessary sequel to Richard Kelly's 2001 debut Donnie Darko - grossed all of £777 over nine screens on special Friday showings ahead of its DVD release yesterday.
Pos. | Film | Weekend Gross | Week | Total UK Gross |
1 | Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs | £7,639,884 | 1 | £7,639,884 |
2 | Public Enemies | £2,228,291 | 1 | £2,228,291 |
3 | Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen | £2,214,505 | 3 | £20,785,050 |
4 | The Hangover | £1,524,356 | 4 | £13,983,605 |
5 | My Sister's Keeper | £762,061 | 2 | £2,509,452 |
6 | Year One | £489,864 | 2 | £2,010,735 |
7 | Kambakkht Ishq | £299,533 | 1 | £299,533 |
8 | Night at the Museum 2 | £150,463 | 7 | £19,282,019 |
9 | Terminator Salvation | £149,993 | 5 | £13,926,699 |
10 | Sunshine Cleaning | £54,076 | 2 | £257,935 |
Sacha Baron Cohen will be hoping that Bruno proves as popular as his last feature Borat (2006), but with an 18 certificate the Austrian fashion presenter will have his work cut out to topple Ice Age, which should continue to appeal to family audiences until Harry Potter hits our screens in just over a week's time. Other releases this week include teen comedy Fired Up and drama The Private Lives of Pippa Lee.
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