Monday, January 23, 2012

The Internet's Armpit... Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Hate George Lucas Even More

Oli Davis presents five of the very best film-related uploads from around the world wide web...

5. Horrible Aftermaths Implied By Movies With Happy Endings

Cracked are always good for oddly numbered, irrelevant countdowns (Top 6, Top 23, etc). Here is an exercise in extreme geekdom, plotting out what would occur after a film’s climax. The effects of an exploding Death Star on Endor, for example, or the World War following the Top Gun’s climactic dogfight. Spoiler alerts, obviously.

4. CG-Free Rise of the Planet of the Apes Footage

Strange how Andy Serkis, in an S&M-style motion capture suit, cuts a more empathetic and believable ape than the computer generated one that eventually made it into the film.

3. The Future of CGI

Michael Bay and Jon Favreau are talking heads in a sarcastic look at the future of CGI (a self-awareness largely lacking from their own work).

2. Moonrise Kingdom Official Trailer

Wes Anderson takes auteurship to new heights of continuity. The trailer for his next film, Moonrise Kingdom, looking exactly like every other Wes Anderson film you’ve ever seen. But the act has yet to wear thin, so if it ain’t broke… just add Edward Norton to make it even better.

1. Red Letter Media's Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Review

A 72 minute critical annihilation of Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. An acquired, dark taste of humour (i.e. lots of rape and murder jokes), but there is a majestic and detailed deconstruction veiled behind it.

Special Mention: Meet Vermin Supreme 2012 Presidential Candidate

An ingenious piece of live satire. It’s pretty funny, and then you realize he’s wearing an oversized wellington boot as a hat. Watch till the end, where Vermin attempts to turn a fellow candidate gay in his closing statement.

Oli Davis

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