Night Tide, 1961.
Directed by Curtis Harrington.
Starring Dennis Hopper, Linda Lawson, Gavin Muir and Luana Anders.
A low budget offering from American International Pictures and writer-director Curtis Harrington, Night Tide stars Dennis Hopper as young sailor Johnny Drake. Enjoying his shore leave in Venice Beach, California, Johnny meets a mysterious 'mermaid' called Mora (Linda Lawson) at a marina carnival attraction. Sparking up a relationship, Johnny discovers that all of Mora's previous lovers have died in suspicious circumstances. Mora believes herself to be a descendent of the Sirens, seductresses from Greek mythology who lure sailors to their deaths, and is frequently visited by the sinister Madame Romanovitch (Marjorie Eaton), who calls out for Mora to fulfil her destiny. Will Johnny become the latest victim, or can Mora resist her temptation?
Premiering at the Venice International Film Festival in 1961, it would be a further two years before Night Tide saw general release via Roger Corman's Filmgroup as part of a double-bill with The Raven (1963). It also features Corman regular Luana Anders, who would appear in later Hopper works including The Trip (1967) and Easy Rider (1969), and was selected for preservation by the Academy Film Archive in 2007.
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