George Lucas discussed the concept of the tale with Philip Kaufman (The Right Stuff) who came up with the idea of the Ark of the Covenant as being the device that drives the plot. Kaufman had heard about the Ark from his doctor when he was 11 years old; he subsequently left the project when given an opportunity to direct a Clint Eastwood movie. “Originally, he was a playboy and lived the fast life in Manhattan,” revealed Lucas. “He used his treasure hunting to fund his lifestyle. When we got on to that part of it, Steven and Harrison Ford both fought the idea. I kept pushing it and pushing it and it’s still there, it’s just not ever talked about. Especially in the first movie, Indy is driven by the significance of what he’s going after, not the money. He’s basically a mercenary, but it’s the thrill of discovery that keeps him going. He loves archaeology and he loves discovering the truth about ancient civilizations and history.” To write the screenplay Steven Spielberg recommended Lawrence Kasdan from whom he had bought the script Continental Divide (1981). “Our outlining was immense, but not detailed,” stated Kasdan who had a four-day story conference with Spielberg and Lucas. “We knew who the three main characters would be, but there wasn't a word in anybody's mouth. There were no broad strokes and real structure to Raiders' plot. I had to come up with all of that. I also had to do a good bit of research. My first draft of Raiders had a lot of information about the Ark of the Covenant, most of which has survived into the final film. It's been simplified and might sound like a lot of hocus pocus, but the majority of the superstitions and history that the picture attributes to the Ark are beliefs that have been held by people for years. Additionally, I did a lot of reading about archeology, the attitudes and lifestyles of 1930’s America, and that time's international alliances."

Former studio executive Michael Eisner, then at Paramount, upon reading the first 20 pages told Frank Marshall, “‘That’ll take the whole budget.’ But George had enough clout already to say, ‘We can do it, and here are the people involved.’ And we did it for $18 million. And it’s still the most fun and the most rewarding experience I’ve ever had.” Central to the production being able to rise above the budget restraints and logistical difficulties was the creative partnership between Lucas and Spielberg. “Everyone was concerned,” admitted Marshall. “After all, we were shooting in seven countries on three continents. And if you can imagine moving a whole company from Tunisia to Hawaii. Yet we came in two weeks under schedule. George and Steven have a great relationship. It’s a partnership made in heaven, sharing the creative endeavor. They’re both responsible filmmakers. Steven loves directing, George doesn’t. Steven takes in projects others have developed; George likes to develop all of his own.” During the pre-production for Raiders of Lost Ark, Steven Spielberg remembered George Lucas advising him, “‘Don’t try to make the greatest movie in the world. Just get the story told one chapter at a time. Think of this as a B-movie.’” Executive Producer Howard Kazanjian (Demolition Man) served as the liaison between Lucasfilm and Paramount. “Originally everybody thought that the part of Indiana Jones should go to Tom Selleck [Quigley Down Under],” said Kazanjian. “Steven and George wanted him because he was the ideal character.” Upon learning that an offer had gone out to Selleck, CBS immediately put the television series Magnum P.I. into production thereby making the actor unavailable for the production. “Steven is the one who said Harrison would be great, right after Selleck,” confessed George Lucas who was reluctant to use Harrison Ford because of his association with the Star Wars franchise. “I was cast late – like two weeks before the cameras were scheduled to roll,” said Ford, who had a number of questions and suggestions for Spielberg. “We flew overseas together, took out the script, and spent 10 solid hours discussing it on the plane. By the time we disembarked, we had a working rapport.” Lawrence Kasdan was pleased with the casting decision. “There are wonderful heroics in Raiders, but they're never super-human,” said Kasdan. “Again, that has a lot to do with Harrison Ford. He made Indy come across as a very likeable and competent guy. That brand of capable hero was a very important element of the great adventure pictures.”

“My feeling was that we should have edited a little of the chase sequences so that we'd have time to properly establish the characters,” confided Lawrence Kasdan. “George Lucas, though, doesn't put as much emphasis on personal development as he does on action.” However, Kasdan had to admit, “What's great about Raiders is that it moves so fast and its conclusion is so incredible, that by the time I got to the ending, I didn't care about the flaws.” The creator of the tale recognized that commercial success was far from being a certainty. “This film could very easily not be a hit,” declared Lucas whose gamble paid off as Raiders of the Lost Ark grossed $384 million worldwide. “It was this offbeat movie, almost a Western. Nobody knew what it was, or what to make of it. But the word spread very fast and excitement started to build. Once they saw it, they loved it. It was one of those films that after it was put together, it worked like crazy.” At the Academy Awards, the swashbuckling adventure tale won Best Art Direction & Set Decoration, Best Visual Effects, Best Editing, Best Sound and a Special Achievement Award for Sound Effects Editing while receiving nominations for Best Cinematography, Best Director, Best Original Score and Best Picture. The BAFTAs lauded the movie with Best Production Design & Art Decoration; it also competed for the Anthony Asquith Award for Film Music, Best Cinematography, Best Editing, Best Film, Best Sound and Best Supporting Actor (Denholm Elliott). The American Cinema Editors handed out the Eddie for Best Edited Feature Film to Michael Kahn. Other nominations included one from the Directors Guild of America, the Writers Guild of America for Best Original Screenplay – Comedy, and the Golden Globes for Best Director. In 1999, Raiders of the Lost Ark was inducted into the National Film Registry.
Seeking to make his directorial debut, Lawrence Kasdan needed a name director as a sponsor and backup if the production ran into trouble. “He thought the overseeing business was pretty ridiculous,” remarked Kasdan who delved into the world of film noir with the adulteress murder tale Body Heat (1981) starring Kathleen Turner (Romancing the Stone) and William Hurt (Gorky Park). “He thought I was perfectly capable of directing the movie, and he didn’t know what function an overseer served. But the tradition goes on, and now I’m doing it for somebody.” Lucas agreed to be an uncredited executive producer. “There would have been a giant controversy about me making this picture. And it wasn’t me making this picture, it was Larry.” Lucas asked for a fee that was more than Kasdan was being paid but he told Kasdan that the money could be used if the movie went over budget. “That was an extraordinary generous thing to do,” said the rookie helmer. “And he made it possible to make the film with no interference at all.”

Appreciative of George Lucas having sponsored his directorial debut, Lawrence Kasdan agreed to co-write the screenplay. “He believes that a larger mechanical force is vulnerable to a natural force,” observed Kasdan. “You can look at Jedi and see the Vietnam War there. You can see the Ewok guerrillas hiding in the jungles, taking on this improper force of mechanized bullies – and winning.” Warren Franklin, who was the production coordinator for Industrial Light & Magic at the time, remembered reading the script which states, “‘They jump on their Speeder Bikes and take off at 120 miles an hour through the forest.’ The challenge just dropped into our laps. At first we planned to build a miniature forest, but we realized it would have to be huge. Dennis Muren, one of the special effects supervisors, finally hit on the idea of just going out into the redwoods. We actually took a road and painted it green and dressed it and then walked a camera along it, with a guide wire to keep the camera at the right angle. Then we simply came back to ILM and put the actors in it. It was a lot of fun.” Filmmaker Joe Johnston (Jurassic Park III), who served as the Art Director of Visual Effects on the picture, commented, “We have to make each film better than the previous. The public demands a special effects extravaganza, something that will blow them away for five dollars. We were never sure whether the movie was a vehicle for the special effects or for the story.” There was no doubt in the mind of Lawrence Kasdan. “George understood that you could integrate the effects so that they formed part of the story in a way that people had never really tried before,” said Kasdan. “The story was going on in the foreground, but now through the window of the ship, amazing effects were taking place.”

Acting along with Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher in the $32.5 million production are Billy Dee Williams (Barry Munday), Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew, Sebastian Shaw (It Happened Here), Ian McDiarmid (Sleepy Hollow), Frank Oz (Bowfinger), David Prowse (White Cargo), and Alec Guinness (The Bridge on the River Kwai). Performer Barrie Holland (Reds) was offered the opportunity to play a small but memorable role. “I was working on Return of the Jedi as an officer in various scenes with David Prowse and others when the assistant director came up to me and said that director Richard Marquand wanted to speak to me… Richard then asked me if I would like to do the part of Lt. Renz capturing Han Solo in the bunker. Of course I accepted.” Holland was proud of the end result. “I feel in that brief moment I came over as a forceful officer with a ruthless manner which summed up the power of the Empire. It was a great line of course [‘You Rebel scum!’], which helped. The rest as they say is history.” The actor playing the mischievous smuggler entered into the spirit of the occasion. “When I first said that line, Harrison Ford gently slapped my face saying, ‘Nobody calls me that!’ or words to that affect. It was a difficult scene to do as it was a small set and I had seven stormtroopers with me who also had to hit their marks. It took one and a half day’s filming just to complete that small scene.”

“Only once did I get conflicting directions,” stated Carrie Fisher in regards to the relationship between George Lucas and Richard Marquand during the principle photography. “When I came to Jabba’s throne room disguised as a man, Richard told me to stand like an English sentry. Then George walked in and said, ‘Carrie you’re standing as an English sentry. You want to be more swashbuckling.’” The real conflict occurred between Lucas and producer Gary Kurtz (Slipstream) when the project was supposed to be called Revenge of the Jedi. “We had an outline and George changed everything in it. Instead of bittersweet and poignant he wanted a euphoric ending with everybody happy. The original idea was that they would recover [the kidnapped] Han Solo in the early part of the story and that he would then die in the middle part of the film in a raid on an Imperial base. George then decided he didn’t want any of the principles killed. By that time there were really big toy sales and that was a reason.” Harrison Ford agreed with Kurtz. “I thought it would give the myth some body. Han Solo really had no place to go.” Another point of contention for Kurtz was the use of a second Death Star which he felt was too derivative of the original film. “So we agreed that I should probably leave.”

Also in 1983, George Lucas had to face the end of his 14 year old marriage to Marcia Lucas who received a $50 million divorce settlement. “Some people are nine to fivers,” explained Marcia Lucas (Taxi Driver). “George is a five to niner. He leaves home at five-thirty in the morning and returns at eight-thirty at night.” The Oscar-winning film editor added, “He grew up with the traditional American values of hard work, earning your own way, and more hard work. It doesn’t do him any good to have money to indulge himself if he never indulges himself.” Regarding his ex-spouse, George Lucas admitted, “Marcia says I either live in the past or in the future, never in the present.”
Filmmaker John Korty (Breaking the Habit) told George Lucas about a movie he wanted to make utilizing a special animation technique he had devised. “I’d been working on a new kind of animation, which I called Lumage, from ‘luminous images’”, stated Korty as to the origins of the surrealist story Twice Upon a Time (1983). “The images were cut out and then lit from below, which gave them a special glow. I’d been aiming to do a feature in the technique, and took the idea to George. He arranged an appointment for us with Laddie [Alan Ladd, Jr.] who agreed to finance the film.” An evil outfit called Murkworks attempts to replace dreams with nightmares carried by winged creatures that are a hybrid of vultures and pterodactyls. “A lot of people from improvisational comedy were involved. Marshall Efron was the voice of the principal villain. Hamilton Camp was involved, and Paul Frees, who’s been doing voices forever. Our mistake, I suppose, was to try to make a film that would appeal to everybody, all ages. There was a lot of slapstick in it, but it was much too sophisticated for four and five year olds. We did our first sound mix at Lucasfilm up here in Marin, then finished in Los Angeles. George gave us a lot of great editorial feedback, mainly in the post-production stages. But nobody knew quite how to sell it.”

Screenwriter Lawrence Kasdan was still a prevalent inspiration in the development of the script. “George and Steven asked me to write the Indiana Jones sequels, and I didn’t want to,” revealed Kasdan whose deleted Raiders of the Lost Ark scenes involving an under attack Indiana Jones escaping with the aid of a runaway gong, and jumping from a pilotless plane with an inflatable raft which lands in the snowy Himalayan Mountains appear in the follow-up action-adventure. “When they used those things from the first script, I felt that was very much George’s right. He had paid for the script, the franchise, and I had benefitted enormously from my whole involvement with him on that. He helped me get Body Heat made. So there wasn’t any feeling of not being acknowledged.” A crucial story element escaped George Lucas. “We had a lot of incidents that were taken from the first script but for the life of me I couldn’t think of another MacGuffin that I thought would work,” remarked the filmmaker. “Eventually we landed on the Sankara stones.” Willard Huyck,and Gloria Katz developed the idea further. “We came up with this religious cult that had appropriated the stones and was doing evil things,” said Huyck. “And then we asked ourselves, ‘Well, what kind of evil things? Steven wants a mine, so who is working in the mines?’” The answer took the form of slave labour children.

“Short Round was indeed the name of our dog,” revealed Gloria Katz as to the namesake of Indy’s sidekick played by Ke Huy Quan. “It was the name of a character in an old Samuel Fuller movie called The Steel Helmet [1951].” A native of Saigon, Vietnam, Ke Huy Quan had been living in the America for six years when he crossed paths with the Hollywood production. “They had an open role call in my elementary school,” said Quan. “All the kids that fit the description were called into a room to meet this casting director, Mike Fenton [Back to the Future]. My brother went in, and I accompanied him.” Despite lacking a command of the English language, the young performer won the role, as Spielberg was enthralled with his personality. As for Kate Capshaw, she was more focused on performing in foreign and art house films but was grateful that her agent persisted. “I remember I the day I took the script home, after I found out I would do the film,” recalled Capshaw who was terrified to discover her character of Willie was on every page. “I kept thinking, ‘Maybe she’ll die soon.’” The actress’ fear of snakes caused Spielberg to revise the script. “On the plane back to London, he wrote that other scene where we’re in a clearing and all those animals kept scaring me.” However, other sequences stayed, in particular the meal that has eels, bugs and monkey brains as part of the menu. “If you think of the Republic serials form the 1930s,” remarked George Lucas, “they take themselves a bit too seriously. So we wanted to infuse into Temple of Doom the humour you find in the old Abbott and Costello movies or in the Thin Man series. The dinner scene where outrageous dishes are served was something that I’d always wanted to put in a movie. Steven has a sense of humour that fits right into that, so he went hog wild.”

“After I showed the film to George,” said Steven Spielberg, “at an hour and 55 minutes, we looked at each other, and the first thing out of our mouths was, ‘Too fast.’ We needed to decelerate the action. So I actually did a few matte shots to slow it down. We reestablished the palace outside in a night shot before going back inside again. We made it a little bit slower, by putting breathing room back in so there’d be a two hour oxygen supply for the audience.” Given the responsibility of assembling the footage was Spielberg veteran Michael Kahn who won an Oscar for his film editing work on Raiders of the Lost Ark. “There’s one funny thing,” remembers Kahn. “On the second Indy, almost every other couple of cuts, George would say, ‘I wanna flop this [reverse the direction of the shot].’ He made a lot of flop shots. So my assistant and I got him a cap that said, ‘Professor of Flopology.’ And we put the letters backward, too, so you could read it in the mirror. He laughed when I gave it to him.” Earning $333 million worldwide, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom won for Best Visual Effects and contended for Best Original Score at the Oscars; the BAFTAs awarded it with Best Visual Effects along with nominations for Best Cinematography, Best Editing and Best Sound. For his performance in the action adventure, The Young Artist Awards nominated Ke Huy Quan for Best Young Supporting Actor in a Motion Picture.

Teaming once again with Francis Ford Coppola (The Godfather), George Lucas was a co-executive producer for Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters (1985). The biopic directed by Paul Schrader (Blue Collar) is about controversial Japanese author Yukio Mishima who committed a ceremonial public suicide in 1970. Lucas persuaded Terry Semel of Warner Bros. to finance half of the film as well as commented on the script and visited the principle photography in Japan. The movie which features past sequences filmed in black and white while the present day scenes were shot in colour was released by as coproduction with Zoetrope Studios, Lucasfilm and Filmlink International (Tokyo).
“On the one hand I’m doing these huge productions and at the same time I’m helping on these little productions, for my friends,” remarked George Lucas who assisted cinematographer Haskell Wexler (In the Heat of the Night) on his directorial effort Latino (1985) where Robert Beltran (Night of the Comet) plays a Vietnam vet and Green Beret who helps lead the Contras against the Sandinistas. “They’re all interesting movies, movies that I cared about and wanted to see made one way or another. Some of them were small failures, some of them were huge failures, and some were extremely nice movies. But in most interviews with me, and even with the company, they’re passed right over, as though they never existed. But those movies may be closer to what I am than Star Wars.”
The Star Wars universe returned to the small screen with the TV movie Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) which, like its predecessor The Ewok Adventure: Caravan of Courage, was aired as part of The ABC Sunday Night Movie. George Lucas wrote the story and brothers Jim and Ken Wheat directed the tale about a young girl (Aubree Miller) and her Ewok (Warwick Davis) companion who become the captives of a wicked witch (Sian Phillips) after her parents and brother are killed. Both of the Ewok TV movies were given a theatrical release internationally and received Emmy Award nominations for Outstanding Children’s Program. Riding the success of the TV movies were two half-hour animated series produced by Nelvana for Lucasfilm. One features Ewoks and the other stars C-3PO (voiced by Anthony Daniels) and R2-D2; together they created The Ewoks and Droids Adventure Hour (ABC, 1986).
When the directorial debut of his USC classmate Walter Murch (Apocalypse Now) ran into production problems, George Lucas agreed to help out. “I told Walter I didn’t want to be officially involved because Return to Oz [1985] would then be viewed as my picture, not his,” remarked Lucas who commuted between San Francisco and London. “The critics came crashing down on the picture anyway, but they didn’t come down nearly as hard as they would have if my name had been on it.”
George Lucas originally established the computer division within Lucasfilm to build hardware for Industrial Light & Magic and the rest of his expanding cinematic production empire. “I didn’t particularly want to be in hardware manufacturing. So, we sold it off,” said Lucas who found a buyer for the operations in 1986 in the person of Steve Jobs. Jobs transformed his newly purchased enterprise into a landmark Oscar-winning computer animation studio that would eventually be bought by Disney. “What happened with Pixar is they made brilliantly creative movies, but they looked different. They had a different quality about them than on television.”
Continuing to assist his friends and colleagues, George Lucas executive produced the TV movie The Great Heep (1986) written and created by sound designer Ben Burtt (Munich). The tale, animated by Nelvana, revolves around R2-D2 falling in love with a female droid called KT-10 only to be threatened by the evil title character designed by Joe Johnston. Lucasfilm was also involved in the Jim Henson production of Labyrinth (1986). A teenage girl (Jennifer Connelly) searches for her lost brother in a fantasy world where she encounters the King of Goblins (David Bowie).

Collaborating with Francis Ford Coppola (The Conversation), George Lucas executive produced the 3D short film Captain EO (1986) which stars pop music icon Michael Jackson; he attempts to convince hostile aliens that peace is the better option through songs and dance. The 17 minute production opened simultaneously at Disneyland in Anaheim, California and Disney World in Orlando, Florida and later, Disney World in Tokyo; after the death of Jackson in 2009, it was rereleased as Captain EO Tribute. Another theme park partnership between Disney and Lucas was a $32 million motion simulator attraction called Star Tours which was the first ride to be based on a film not created by the legendary animation studio.
Impressed by the documentary Koyaanisqatsi (1983) by filmmaker Godfrey Reggio, George Lucas served along with Francis Ford Coppola as an executive producer of Powaqqatsi (1988). Shot in ten countries from Peru to France and featuring music composed by Philip Glass, the cinematic exposé explores the exploitation of the natural resources of the Third World by the First Nations. The title is taken from a Hopi Indian word that translates into “life lived at the expense of others” or “life of exploitation”. Coppola had trouble securing the financing so Lucas orchestrated a distribution deal with Cannon Films.
After devising a fantasy adventure inspired by a Biblical tale, George Lucas recruited one of his stars from American Graffiti (1973) to helm the project.
Continue to part four.
Visit the official sites of Lucasfilm and ILM.
Short Film Showcase - Captain EO (1986)
For more on Star Wars head over to the official website, along with fansites TheForce.net and StarWarz.com, and for more on Indiana Jones check out IndyFan.com and TheRaider.net.
Read more on the Raiders of the Lost Ark story conference at MysteryManonFilm.
Trevor Hogg is a freelance video editor and writer who currently resides in Canada.
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