On the eve of Christmas a young boy sets out to discover the truth behind several strange goings on in his small isolated village. Why have all the reindeer been slaughtered? Who took all the hairdryers and radiators? And where have all the children gone? Seal the chimney, lock the doors, hide your children because the real Santa is coming to town.
So forget about the Christmas shopping and have a go at winning a copy of Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale on DVD along with some chocolate treats to enjoy while you watch, courtesy of Icon Home Entertainment.
Check out our review along with the original shorts Rare Exports Inc. and The Official Rare Exports Inc. Safety Instructions, and read on for details of how to enter this fabulous festive giveaway...
To be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is make sure you like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter, then send a quick email with your contact details (be sure to include your postal address and Facebook or Twitter username), along with the subject heading "EXPORTS" and an answer to the following question...
Your favourite Christmas movie is..?
The competition closes at 5pm on Friday, December 9th and is open to UK entrants only.
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