Something happened in the 21st Century that changed the perception of Spielberg. It was subtle and for many years I didn’t even realize it was happening. The world’s most popular filmmaker had transformed from a creative mind to a product endorsement. At some point we started seeing the word “from” appear more in front Spielberg’s name than “a film by”.
This year alone we’ve seen a glut of product “from Steven Spielberg“. Movies like Super 8, Cowboys & Aliens and Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Even on the small screen we see “From” on TV Shows like The United States of Tara, Terra Nova, and the new NBC series Smash. Now at the end of the year we have two movies actually directed by Steven Spielberg and doesn’t seem to be the same level of excitement. It seems like stamping his name on so many films and shows has devalued the brand.
It’s semantics. Perception versus reality. You’d be hard pressed to find anyone in the film community or entertainment journalism who doesn’t appreciate his work. There’s still respect among his peers and reverence among the media. But to the ticket buying public the transformation of Spielberg from creative force to endorsement stamp has had an impact.

The truth is, Spielberg has lost his luster thanks to “From” appearing on so much lackluster product. Studios are eager to have him on board. His name used to be associated with quality. Movies like Super 8 and Cowboys & Aliens have been marketed to a massive degree on his name, riding his coattails to solid opening weekends. To the average moviegoer, his name holds weight. At the same time, the casual movie fan has little ability to discern between “From Steven Spielberg” and “A film by Steven Spielberg.” This kind of marketing muddying has left us with a cinematic landscape where movies like Tintin and War Horse are lost among the dozen projects a year he puts his name on.
It seems like the saturation point has been reached. The answer to whether or not he remains viable will be answered at the end of December when both The Adventures of Tintin and War Horse are released here in the U.S.. Will audiences turn out for the films or has Spielberg marketed himself into mediocrity? The performance of both films at the box office and during awards season may very well answer that question.
Anghus Houvouras
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