To mark the occasional the studio quickly released the first official set photo along with a press release that seemed to indicate a slight name change to Marvel’s The Avengers (is that really necessary?). We also managed to get a few scraps of info about the upcoming film throughout the week, with Mark Ruffalo stating that he has “a couple of lines as the Hulk” and describing his character as “the teammate none of them are sure they want on their team”. Chris Evans also revealed that Captain America will find himself in new threads, while Paul Bettany confirmed that he is set to reprise his role as the voice of Jarvis from Iron Man. Meanwhile a guy going by the name of XXXBobSmith claimed to have a copy of the screenplay for The Avengers and released a couple of pages in an effort to sell the script on to interested sites. Judging by the images the script certainly looks as if it could be legit (see for yourself here) and if so, then I hope Mr. Smith gets enough to pay for a decent lawyer.

Moving on to the X-Men franchise and Fox have released another two trailers for Matthew Vaughn’s upcoming prequel X-Men: First Class, which hits cinemas in less than five weeks time. X-Men: First Class was the clear winner in our poll to find your most anticipated superhero film of 2011 [see the full results at the bottom of this article] and while the film’s poster campaign has been less than stellar the trailers really do look promising. In other First Class news, Hero Complex posted a preview of the film that includes comments from both Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy, while the official X-Men Facebook site continued to update their ‘X-Perts’ Q&A series with Jason Flemyng (Azazel) the latest to take on fans’ questions. There’s also an interesting article over at Heat Vision about the dispute that’s taken place over the writing credits on First Class, which seems to have been resolved after the WGA stepped in to try and clear things up.

Wrapping up the best of the rest…
… Pittsburgh may be doubling for Gotham City in Christopher Nolan’s final Batman movie The Dark Knight Rises but it seems that the production is also set to take in the Indian city of Jodhpur for two days of filming at Mehrangarh Fort in early May. Christian Bale is the only actor mentioned in the article but my guess would be that the location is either filling in for Peña Dura or somehow linked to the League of Shadows…
…Michael Shannon’s General Zod has found his “right-hand bitch” for Zack Snyder’s Superman reboot Man of Steel and thankfully it’s not Lindsay Lohan. Variety broke the news that German actress Antje Traue (Pandorum) has been cast as Faora and joins a cast that so far includes Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Diane Lane and Kevin Costner…
...The Amazing Spider-Man is also set to swing into cinemas in 2012 and actress Emma Stone (Gwen Stacy) has revealed that the six-month shoot on the Andrew Garfield-headlined reboot will draw to a close in mid-May...
...Disney COO and Pixar legend John Lasseter has moved to put an end to fan speculation surrounding a possible Pixar - Marvel team-up, telling IGN that "we've done superheroes here ourselves and so we have that kind of history with Brad Bird doing The Incredibles"...
...And finally, we've been running a poll over the past couple of weeks to find your most anticipated superhero film of 2011 and the results are now in. Take a look...
X-Men: First Class - 31% (165 votes)
Captain America: The First Avenger - 24% (130 votes)
Green Lantern - 22% (121 votes)
Thor - 21% (116 votes)
Gary Collinson
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