2010’s products of Halloween weren’t that bad. My Soul to Take (although it’s worth passing on), Buried and Paranormal Activity 2 all made pretty decent showings at the box office. Case 39 filled the theaters and the final Saw, in 3D nonetheless, came out swinging to make its case for 2010 horror champ. Not knocking any of these films but sometimes quantity over quality is a good thing. Hollywood was making sure there are more than enough of similar products out there to keep all of us satisfied until the Christmas season rolls around. But I was mainly impressed with another product. One that wasn’t included in the cinema Halloween slugfest.
The Walking Dead premiered on Halloween night on AMC of all channels. Not HBO, Showtime or even Starz. AMC which is cable but censored cable that doesn’t show content that would normally be contained on channels like Skine-Max. You know that kind of network that shows classic movies like all of the Halloweens and Friday the 13ths but blocks out all of the good stuff. Like they do every October for their Fearfest horror movie marathon. Still great stuff to watch although it’s edited for network television. Their latest original series, The Walking Dead, does not fall into that category.

After some strenuous investigating while trying to navigate his way around the hospital, he discovers why. He finds people or what he thinks might be people. That is until they try to bite his head off, literally. After escaping some pretty close calls early on, he sets out to learn just what happened during his gunshot induced cat-nap and find his wife and son as well. Along the way he meets other survivors and characters also trying to survive and make some sense of what has happened to their town.
The Walking Dead joins a pretty decent list of shows that have been birthed by AMC. Breaking Bad and Mad Men would probably be at the top of that list. The Walking Dead is just not simply another zombie sub-genre story. It has drama, suspense, emotion, some comedy and the will of the human spirit to survive to go along with the always entertaining slaughtering of the staggering undead. Despite being on network cable, developer Frank Darabont makes sure that the content is nowhere near intended for children.

The character-building in the story line is great. You can see how almost every person is affected not only physically but emotionally and mentally as well by what seems to be a sort of apocalypse. No one is completely themselves as they have each lost something from within as a result of this dreadful occurrence. Either they have lost someone close, looking for someone close or just desperately want their life back.

Disappointingly there were only 6 episodes in the opening season but happily the zombie-apocalypse series has been given the green light for a second one. Soon we can get back to watching zombies brutally die. Sorry to sound so happy about seeing the undead meet their maker, again, but it’s very entertaining. This was actually my first time reviewing a television show and assigning one a rating but I think even George A. Romero was curling up on his couch every Sunday night during last November and flipping to AMC. I give The Walking Dead “4.5 ways to make a decent drama about zombies out of 5”.
-“You're surrounded by ‘Walkers’. That's the bad news.”Sean Guard
-“There’s good news?”
Follow me on Twitter @SilentScribbler
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