Anyway, for those of us not quite ready to boycott The Dark Knight Rises, a few other bits and pieces have emerged from the production this week to sink our teeth into. First up comes rumours that the Riddler is set to join the ever-increasing roster of villains (can’t see it myself), along with talk that a major character – who we won’t name here – is likely to bite the dust (which I can see). We also got a glimpse of Joseph Gordon-Levitt filming an intriguing scene as ‘John Blake’ as well as a good look at the Batwing / Batjet / Tumblery-thing in action, while Anne Hathaway gave us an insight into the casting process for the film in an interview with The Examiner. Oh, and while we’re on the subject of Christopher Nolan, a few set pics have started popping up from the Zack Snyder-directed / Nolan-produced Man of Steel – check out the galleries here and here.

Talking about the D23 Expo, might we also get an announcement on the two mysterious Marvel Studios movies were revealed via BoxOfficeMojo for release in 2014? With Iron Man 3 and Thor 2 set to arrive in 2013, it’s probably a bit of a push to squeeze The Avengers 2 in so soon, but the studio have plenty of other projects to pick from. There’s been a lot of talk about Doctor Strange and Ant-Man recently, and over the past few months properties such as Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Guardians of the Galaxy have all been mooted as potential features. Marvel have also recently reacquired the rights to The Punisher and Blade and there’s always the possibility of bringing the likes of Samuel L. Jackson, Scarlett Johansson, Jeremy Renner, Clark Gregg and Cobie Smulders together for a S.H.I.E.L.D. movie. If I had to take a guess, I’d go for Captain America 2 and maybe the Edgar Wright / Joe Cornish Ant-Man, although I’m not sure if the latter would be a big enough draw for Marvel to use as a summer tentpole release; maybe the aforementioned S.H.I.E.L.D. idea, with a few new characters thrown into the line-up?
Wrapping up the best of the rest…

…The unofficial Marvel Cinematic Universe page on Facebook reports that Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy) could be following his Middle-Earth adventure in The Hobbit with an unspecified role in a future Marvel film…
…According to ABC Entertainment President Paul Lee, development is well underway on the small screen Marvel adaptations AKA Jessica Jones (Alias) and The Hulk, with a view to having pilot episodes for both shows ready next year…
…In addition to confirming his return as Heimdall in Thor 2, Idris Elba had a few words about his next superhero outing, the Nicolas Cage reboot/sequel Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance, which is expected to get its first trailer some time next week…
…MTV caught up with The Amazing Spider-Man director Marc Webb for a brief chat about the upcoming reboot, while Andrew Garfield took part in an interview with AICN about the responsibilities of being Spider-Man…
...And lastly, Marko Manev has put together a gallery of 'Marvel Minimalist Posters' that you can check out here.
Gary Collinson
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