After joining a new pack, Alcide and Debbie stumble upon the two of them while they were still banging it out in the woods which leaves them with some pretty precarious expressions on their faces. Alcide looked somewhat disappointed while Debbie looked disappointed at Alcide looking disappointed. After being completely taken over by the most feared witch in vampire history, Marnie manages to escape her prison. Bill isn’t very pleased to discover this as he very well knows what will inevitably happen to all vampires with her on the loose.
Lafayette and Jesus decide to leave Jesus’ uncles place after the very weird occurrence from earlier in the evening. Lafayette learns that he is a medium for dead people. He can not only be used as a vessel for them, similar to that of Marnie, but he can also see them. As a matter of fact, he is nearly frightened out of his skin by the sight of the same woman who Arlene’s baby, Mikey, can see. That portion of the episode was especially spooky to me. The dead is really starting to take over this show. Tara, after narrowly escaping the clutches of a very pissed off Pam, shoos her girlfriend out of Bon Temp for good in order to keep her safe. After some heavy drinking she comes across a possessed Marnie and learns of her new found power. She recruits a team of vampire-hating individuals and builds a team to stand by Marnie in a war against the vamps.
Sam learns of Luna’s pissed attitude when he tries to contact her. After a brief conversation, they solve the mystery to their misunderstanding. Tommy can now shift into humans and this realization leaves both of them feeling very “uneasy” to say the least. This uneasiness prompts Sam to have had enough of his brother’s exploits and kicks him out of his life. Pam tries her best to restore her skin by having the vampire doctor lady as I call her do a skin peel, literally, and instruct her that she must inject a chemical into her body for the rest of her life to assist with the healing process. The culmination of the episode has Bill order every vampire in the area to silver themselves to avoid “meeting the sun” should Marnie cast a spell over them all. She does just that but somehow Jessica manages to escape her silver prison and makes her way toward the daylight. With Jason speeding towards her rescue, the episode reaches its end. Will Jessica reach hers?
Truly the best episode of the season yet. Between all of the witchcraft, unexplained dead folk and epic climax at the end, the story is really heating up to an impending war between the witches and the fanged. Knowing the authentic True Blood way, many of these stories will coincide with one another before the end of the season. Others will surely carry over into the next one. Sunday never seemed so far away before. ‘Til it arrives, go forth and do bad things.
Sean Guard
Follow me on Twitter @SilentScribbler
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