This month is Movember... the month when gentleman grow a range of moustaches in order to raise money for men’s health charities, raise awareness for men’s health issues such as testicular cancer and also have a bit of fun. As I am myself growing a tash and raising money for Movember I thought why not compile a list of the 10 finest moustaches ever seen on film. Whether you agree or not please click the link at the bottom of the page and give as little or as much as you can to charity...

Hayek plays the lead role of Mexican painter Frida Kaylo and in doing so sports a very fine little wispy moustache. It’s not often a woman grows a good moustache and wears it in public and so for that reason Hayek makes it into the number 10 spot.

The comedy king of early cinema was not only a great innovator of his art, but also sported a nice, thick, black toothbrush moustache. In the early days of cinema the toothbrush moustache was linked closely with comedy and despite the best efforts of Adolf Hitler to sour the stylish tash for all of us I think that we should remember its comedic roots.

The character played by Clark Gable in the classic and award winning film of 1939 was the purveyor of a classic pencil moustache that was thin, stylish and debonair. Butler’s pencil moustache was the tash of choice for many fine actors back in the day, but none wore them as elegantly as Gable.

The Bible quoting hit man donned a horseshoe moustache with some very fine sideburns and just like his facial hair he meant business! Jules’ facial hair, although looking rough and ready, were obviously well groomed and the perfect compliment for his thick curly haircut. Jules makes it into number 7, despite looking a little like a cheap 70s porn star. Or maybe because of it?

Despite the film being an absolute shower of bodily secretion one good thing did come of Wild Wild West – Kenneth Brannagh’s moustache. Dr Loveless was the proud owner of a very well trimmed and audacious English moustache and some equally as impressive chin hair. A facial style such as this takes time and effort each morning and so deserves its spot at number 6.

Ming had clearly spent plenty of time growing his facial hair and only time can give you such a great Fu Manchu Moustache. The long thing strands of hair grow around each side of the mouth and down beyond the chin. Not only does this look great, but works beautifully for evil bad guys who can sit and ponder their world domination plans as they stroke them endlessly. A must for any evil dictator.

Smalls’ thick and bushy horseshoe moustache is the rock ‘n’ roll of all tashs! It means business, says I do what I want and screams with craziness. The fact that this moustache isn’t ideal for someone whose diet composes of beer, cocaine and not washing just goes to emphasise the legendary status of the tash. Only real wild men and party animals should consider a thick black horseshoe tash!

The crazy Kazakh journalist storms into the number 3 spot with his thick, black and bristling extra wide Chevron moustache. Borat’s wonderful facial hair spreads across his upper lip and spills out onto his cheeks giving him that extra width that not all men can grow. For many the hair stops at the edge of the mouth, but Borat’s is the tash that keeps on going. Only a man who can grow some serious body hair is able to achieve such depth and width.

Burgundy’s thick brown Chevron tash is neat, tidy, well groomed and frequently used to its potential with a smile. Burgundy obviously realised that a tash isn’t just hair on your lip and can be used to emphasise a point or to add that extra bit of manliness to a good smile. Burgundy makes it to the dizzying heights of number 2 for the practical and everyday use of his moustache and it’s abilities to enhance a moment. Burgundy’s legendary status is enhanced by his tash!

At the top of the tash tree is the legendary Bill the Butcher, played by Daniel Day Lewis. Day Lewis has sported some very top-notch tashes throughout his career, but none as great as Bill’s. His handlebar moustache grows beautifully across his top lip from the middle spreading either side and with some very fine curls at either end. The handlebar tash must be cared for and well groomed to avoid falling into disrepair and should only be worn by a man who is fearless and possibly a little bit mental. With wild eyes and a handlebar moustache a man commands fear and respect from those around him. Bill’s tash is a sign of his character and a warning to anyone considering crossing him. Bill the Butcher’s handlebar moustache is the best tash on film! Well done, Sir. Good growth.
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What are your favourite movie moustaches? Feel free to let us know in the comments below...
D.J. Haza
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